It's the source of SpeedTest from PalmInternals utility.

void MakeSpeedTest(char *p){
	int i;
	UInt32 t0, t1;
	UInt32 s0, s1;

	// clear event queue
		EvtGetEvent(&e, 0);
	t0 = TimGetTicks();
	s0 = TimGetSeconds();
	for(i = 0; i < 10000; ++i){
		EvtEnqueueKey(vchrBacklight, 0, commandKeyMask);
		EvtGetEvent(&e, 0);
	t1 = TimGetTicks();
	s1 = TimGetSeconds();
	StrPrintF(p, "Time in tics %ld, time in secs %ld\n", t1 - t0, s1 - s0);